April Nutrition Member of the Month – Alyssa Dattilo

Name: Alyssa Dattilo


When did you join Cornerstone Nutrition? April 2022


What is your occupation? Corporate Recruiter at Great American Insurance 


What is something about yourself that we might not know? I am extremely curious and love learning new things – I specifically love to travel and want to explore the world!


What have you learned through nutrition coaching? 


Can I say everything!?! Let me preface by saying I grew up very lucky. I started playing sports when I was very young and continued until the end of high school. I have great genetics and grew up with a family that didn’t portray a negative mindset about food or how much you weigh. Once college hit, lots of things changed. I saw my body go through some serious changes and felt incredibly lost. So that is why my true answer is everything. I knew nothing before meeting Bree and I can’t thank her enough. I think the most important thing I learned though, was that consistency is key, water is essential and protein is a must. 


What is the biggest thing you’ve changed that has led most to your success?


One of the biggest things I have changed is my consistency in eating the same calories and similar macros daily. When I first started with Bree, it was incredible to see how up and down my eating habits were. I also think my protein intake has significantly impacted me and made me stronger. Both are so important!


What advice do you have for someone considering nutrition coaching? 


I would 100% recommend it. Even if you think you are eating healthy, I bet that if you tracked and saw the breakdown of your macros, you would be shocked. Nutrition coaching has not only helped me lose body fat and gain muscle, but it has helped me with my mental health and daily happiness. It’s amazing how much food affects everything in your life and how you feel physically and mentally. 


What goals do you have for the rest of 2023 (nutrition related or not)?


My goals for 2023 are to create stronger systems to create stronger habits. I really want to create a morning routine where I workout prior to work in the mornings. I also want to continue improving my water and protein intake and continue to push for consistency. Lastly, I want to try to eat out a little bit low by continuing to find and cook fun, easy, macro friendly meals.